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by Chantal Sicile-Kira<\/p>\n

Editorial Note:<\/strong> This article originally appeared in The Autism File in February 2009 and discusses Chantal’s son, Jeremy Sicile-Kira. Find out more about Jeremy here<\/a>.<\/p>\n


“Jeremy does not like jobs with physical activities but likes to work with ideas and be able to tell others what to do\u2026. As the case manager, I see Jeremy\u2019s strong assets like working data, communicating with people to purchase\/buy\/manage a business. He is able to do gross motor activities, but often finds fine motor activities difficult and frustrating. Jeremy needs more opportunities exploring jobs and finding out what he would do to have fun and earn money. \u00a0These last two ideas are very important to Jeremy.”<\/p>\n

— Allan Gustafson, Interview with Jeremy Sicile-Kira
\nTransition Year 07-08<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Like all parents, my husband and I worry \u00a0about our son, Jeremy, and what his future will look like. Jeremy is now 20 years old, and with \u00a0the economic situation being what it is, we are doubly concerned about the financial aspects of Jeremy\u2019s \u00a0life as an adult. But as the saying goes, worry gets you nowhere – fast. Preparing, planning and creative thinking is a better alternative to wringing our hands.<\/p>\n

When thinking about employment for your child or student \u00a0on the spectrum, there are a few \u00a0aspects that need to be focused on: \u00a0the life skills he or she needs to learn; a clear understanding of what employers look for in an employee; the interests and strengths of the person on the spectrum; the usefulness of mentors; and the different employment structures currently available.<\/p>\n

Necessary Life Skills<\/h2>\n

In my latest book, Autism Life Skills : From Communication and Safety to Self-Esteem and More \u2013 10 Essential Abilities Every Child Needs and Deserves to Learn, the ten skill areas covered are important for all aspects of life, whether \u00a0at school, at home, or in the community. Some of the skills \u00a0such as self-regulation, independence, social relationships, \u00a0and self-advocacy are \u00a0important \u00a0for getting and keeping a job. The topic of earning a living is the last chapter in my book, because being able to get and hold a job \u00a0is really a culmination of \u00a0all the life skills \u00a0hopefully learned during the school \u2013age years, whether a person is on or off the spectrum. For example, for someone to be accepted in a workplace, they must be able to control their emotional and sensory meltdowns. A certain amount of independence is needed at most jobs. Understanding that you should speak to your boss differently than you would to \u00a0a colleague is important to know in most work situations. Self advocacy skills are \u00a0necessary in order to request what you need to get the job done.<\/p>\n

Life skills in general \u00a0should be broken down and translated into IEP goals and objectives, especially during middle school, high school and \u00a0transition years. Obviously, everyone is different and the skill level reached for each of these skills is different depending on the person, but every student needs to learn a minimum in order to live and work in the community.<\/p>\n

What Employers Look for When Hiring<\/h2>\n

Too often, \u00a0when \u00a0looking for a job placement for \u00a0a person on the spectrum, people take the approach of asking for handout, or a favor. We need to \u00a0approach this differently. I took a look at the top 10 skills and attributes most employers \u00a0look for as identified by the Bureau of Labor (Job Outlook, 2003) and I discovered that many of those attributes are attributes people \u00a0on the spectrum have, yet rarely do we sell those attributes to prospective employers. Here\u2019s \u00a0the top ten of what \u00a0employers look for: honesty and \u00a0integrity; a strong work ethic; analytical skills; computer skills; teamwork; time management and organizational skills; communication skills (oral and written); flexibility; interpersonal skills; motivation \/ initiative.<\/p>\n

Now, many of you reading this are probably \u00a0focusing on the skills in this list your child or student does not have. Look at it again, and think about what attributes your child does have. For example, most people on the spectrum are honest to a fault \u2013 they are usually \u00a0the ones in the store saying \u201cyes\u201d when a woman trying on a dress says \u201cDoes this make me look fat?\u201d \u00a0They are not the employee who will be caught with his hand in the cash till. \u00a0That\u2019s a positive point to sell. A strong work ethic applies to most of our guys \u2013 the ones who do not like a change in routine and are going to be there rain or shine. They will not be calling in sick because they had one too many martinis the night before, or leave early because they have an event to attend. \u00a0Analytical skills are really \u2018obsessive attention to detail,\u2019 and many of our children have that. The child who likes to line up blocks and trains probably has good organizational skills. Teamwork and flexibility are difficult areas for many, but we should be teaching flexibility at school (there are ways of doing that), and teamwork can be handled by ensuring the person on the spectrum has one person on the team that he is in contact with for all needed \u00a0information. Many of our children with Asperger\u2019s are good communicators, and some have become journalists, speechwriters and professors.<\/p>\n

The point is, when people are selling a product and\/ or service, \u00a0they market the positive attributes, \u00a0not the negatives. And that\u2019s precisely what we need to be doing with any prospective employees on the spectrum.<\/p>\n

The Child\u2019s Interests and Strengths<\/h2>\n

It is extremely important to consider what your child or student likes or is passionate (ie obsessed) about and figure out how that can help him earn money. In most cases, people on the spectrum can be difficult to motivate \u2013 unless it involves something they are really into. For some, it is quite obvious what they are particularly interested in because they don\u2019t let you forget. The trick is to figure out how to use that interest and turn it into a moneymaker, or to find a career field that can use that particular interest or talent. That\u2019s where mentors come into play (more about that later).<\/p>\n

For most on the spectrum, a job will be their one connection to the community, and their main activity. If a neurotypical hates his job, he usually has another aspect of his life that is bringing him pleasure \u2013 his family, his church, athletic activities. However, most on the spectrum do not have family or friends or many outside groups they belong to, so it is important to help them find work that will fulfill them in some way.<\/p>\n

There are those for whom it is fairly obvious what they are passionate about. For many like my son, Jeremy, it is a much less obvious. There doesn\u2019t seem to be anything he is particularly obsessed about \u00a0that could lead to employment. \u00a0He used to love to spin tops (physics researcher?), and to follow the patterns in carpets and floor tiles (carpet checker in a rug factory?), now he is mostly focused on communicating about girls with his support people (beauty contest judge?). However, by having different people work with him or observe him in different environments, we have been able to come up with ideas to try out, and jobs \u00a0to avoid.<\/p>\n

When thinking about Jeremy\u2019s future money- making potential (either in a job, customized employment, or self-employment), we thought about the different strengths and weaknesses Jeremy had. \u00a0The questions we asked ourselves \u00a0are the same that most people should consider when helping someone on the spectrum who is considering employment. For example, we asked:<\/p>\n