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It\u2019s that time of the year again – school is starting up again soon, along with our hopes and expectations for a positive learning experience for our teens. Some maybe returning to the same school; others may be moving from middle school up to high school, or changing from high school to a transition program; others may only be changing classrooms or teachers. Whatever the situation, any type of transition or change can be stressful for a teen on the spectrum. The start of a new school year can also be stressful for parents and teachers.<\/p>\n
I first posted this article on the Examiner.com last August (2009), but it is still useful information so I am reposting now.<\/p>\n
On August 15th,2009, I presented at the annual “Back to School”\u00a0 Autism \/ Asperger conference in Pasadena and had the opportunity to refresh my memory on some good readiness skills for the start of the new school year. A2Z Educational Advocates <\/span><\/a> <\/a><\/span><\/span>based in Pacific Palisades had some good tips to share in a \u201cBack to School Guide\u201d they were handing out. Following are some tips from both the \u201cBack to School Guide\u201d and from my book Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum <\/span><\/a>to help the transition go smoothly for your teen or student:<\/p>\n In my next column, tips on how to make the transition back to school easier for parents and teachers will be discussed.\n