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Jeremy (a bit overwhelmed with so many people invading his space at the same time) and part of Team Jeremy.<\/p><\/div>\n

Jeremy is moving into his own place. Months ago, when we found out that Jeremy \u00a0received the approval and supports (from the powers that be) to make Jeremy\u2019s dream a reality, I enthusiastically stated in an AutismCollege blogpost that Jeremy and I would be blogging about the process of preparing for this major transition – in the hopes that some of the information would be useful to others.<\/p>\n

As John Lennon once wrote, “Life\u00a0is what happens\u00a0to you while you’re busy making other plans.”\u00a0 Here it is, almost six months later, and we\u2019ve had no time to write.\u00a0 I\u2019ve moved over fourteen times since I was a baby, so I\u2019m no newbie when it comes to moving into a new home. But for Jeremy, moving meant more than just transferring to another living space. In the book, A Full Life with Autism,<\/strong><\/a> Jeremy and I described \u00a0some of the preparation that has been ongoing for years. Here\u2019s what the last six months have entailed:<\/p>\n