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Click here<\/a> for a link to the radio show<\/p>\n

The program is “The State of Things” on North Carolina Public Radio station WUNC.\u00a0 Longtime NPR correspondent Frank Stasio hosts the program, which\u00a0 this time\u00a0 focused on autism.<\/p>\n

The way Franc Stasio introduced me is a description I think describes what all autism moms and dads tend to be – strategists:<\/p>\n

\u201c\u2026 Jeremy is almost 22 now and\u00a0 he is thriving thanks to an army of experts whose chief strategist and leader of the troops is his mother<\/em>.\u201d Frank Stasio, host of radio show \u2018The State of Things\u201d on WUNC, North Carolina Public Radio, April 2010.<\/p>\n

I was on a panel that will include\u00a0 Autism Society of North Carolina\u00a0 spokesperson David Laxton; and a representative of the North Carolina TEACCH program, and Daniel Coulter.\u00a0 TEACCH stands for “Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children” and is associated with the North Carolina School of Medicine.<\/p>\n