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<\/strong>By the end of the summer, most of us parents are happy to see summer end knowing our ASD children will have routine and a schedule back in their lives (and so will we).\u00a0 But\u00a0 we dread the stress related to the start of a new school year.\u00a0 There are ways to lessen the stress and help prepare both your child and the teacher for a new and hopefully successful new school year.<\/p>\n

Autism College hopes to help this year by offering you a two hour free Q & A with Visiting Professor, Dr. Peter Faustino, school psychologist, moderated by Chantal Sicile-Kira. Both Dr. Faustino and Chantal have written on the topic and are looking forward to answering your questions and giving you tips to prepare your child, yourself, and the teacher for the start of a successful new school year! Whether your child is fully included or in a special day class there are ways to prepare and alleviate some of the stress of the transition from summer to school, especially when there are teachers new to your child or teenager.<\/p>\n

Join Dr. Faustino and Chantal on Monday, August 22, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00pm PST on the topic : Tips for Reducing the \u00a0Back to School Stress for Children with Autism, Parents and Educators.<\/p>\n


Dr. Peter Faustino has been working as a school psychologist for more than 12 years.\u00a0 He is currently the President of the New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP).\u00a0 NYASP – the state affiliate of NASP (www.naspweb.org) – serves children, their families, and the school community by promoting psychological well-being, excellence in education, and sensitivity to diversity through best practices in school psychology.\u00a0 Dr. Faustino joined the Bedford Central School District in 2003 to work at the Fox Lane Middle School. Dr. Faustino also maintains a private practice with the Developmental Assessment and Intervention Center (DAIC) in Bedford Hills, NY.\u00a0 He presents frequently at national conferences, schools, and parent organizations.<\/p>\n

To sign up for the webinar, please signup for our newsletter here<\/a>. Already signed up for the newsletter? Click here<\/a>.<\/p>\n