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\u00a0Often I get emails from parents who \u00a0think their child is getting worse when they hit the double digits. \u00a0That’s what it seems like when puberty hits!\u00a0 So I’m reprinting this article I wrote about adolescence that\u00a0 <\/em>first appeared in the Autism – Asperger\u2019s Digest. The article appeared a few years ago, but the worries and challenges faced by parents are the same as they were when I wrote it. I hope you find it useful.<\/strong><\/em> As well to provide an opportunity for parents and educators to have more in-depth information, I’ll be giving a course on Adolescence and Autism here in the \u00a0Autism College Classroom on\u00a0<\/em>September 10, 17, 24 \u00a0from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm PST \u00a0(9:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST) \u00a0\u00a0<\/em><\/strong>Participation is limited so that participants can have time to ask questions and get advice.\u00a0 Click here for a description,<\/a>\u00a0 Click here forpricing and to enroll.<\/a><\/em> Questions? Email me at Chantal@AutismCollege.com.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n Autism and adolescence:<\/strong> each on their own can be interesting and challenging, to say the least. Together, they form a volatile mix that can arouse daily anxiety in even the most prepared adult. If you live with or work with a pre-teen Just the other day I was looking around the house for Jeremy. I knocked on his bedroom door. He opened the door a crack, one of his Guitar World<\/em> magazines in hand. I could hear Dave Matthews<\/em> playing in the background. \u201cGo away, Mom,\u201d he said, and I did, with a little smile on my face. Jeremy is significantly impacted by his autism. Yet moments such as this remind me that he is first and foremost a teenager, with his own personality, his own wants and wishes. He\u2019s on the road to becoming his own person, figuring things out in preparation for adulthood. I wouldn\u2019t have it any other way.<\/p>\n For more information on Adolescence and Autism, sign up for my on-line course.<\/a><\/p>\n
\n<\/strong><\/p>\n\u00a013 Things to Keep in Mind as Your Child with ASD Reaches Adolescence<\/h3>\n
<\/a>Living with a child on the autism spectrum day after day, parents often miss the little changes that are so typical of all kids\u2019 development. One day I looked at my son, Jeremy, and realized he was already up to my chin. And what was that \u2013 facial hair? His behavior started to change as well. As a young child he\u2019d always been compliant; we spent years trying to teach him to say \u201cno\u201d and mean it. So I was thrilled when he just didn\u2019t want to do what we wanted him to do anymore.<\/p>\n
<\/del> with an autism spectrum diagnosis, attention to the following 13 points can help you and your child navigate those years a little more smoothly. One caveat: it doesn\u2019t matter the functioning level of your child with autism or Asperger\u2019s; everything here applies. You\u2019ll work them out differently depending upon his or her cognitive, emotional and\/or communication abilities, but don\u2019t overlook them, thinking they don\u2019t relate to you child. They do!<\/p>\n\n