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Jeremy and I wrote A Full Life With Autism<\/strong><\/a> in order to empower families. We hope that our experience – from the point of view of both a\u00a0 young man reaching adulthood, and\u00a0 a parent helping to prepare him for the future – will help you think about all your child needs – no matter his age- to prepare for the adult years down the road.<\/p>\n

We’ve also highlighted the experiences of others,what organizations are doing to help prepare a brighter future, and what life skills a person needs to be successful as an adult.<\/p>\n

We’ll be writing here often and we hope that you will join the conversation about creating a full life with autism. Your comments, questions and suggestions are most welcome here.<\/p>\n

If you’ve read any of my books and articles, or Jeremy’s, then you know about us. Tell us your story. You are not alone, and we want to hear from you!<\/p>\n

It takes a village to raise a child, and a community to make an enjoyable life.<\/p>\n

Together, we can make a difference. Join the conversation!<\/p>\n